Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The IBR(Integrated Beneficiary Registry) interoperability APIs describes different APIs some of them are usecase specific and other are generalized APIs to perform interoperable operations between IBR registry and SP-System. You can now help us improve the API whether it's by making changes to the definition itself or to the code. That way, with time, we can improve the API in general, and expose some of the new features in upcoming version.
Gitbook reference link[WIP]:
Code directory links:
Data Objects:
Each request is build up of three parts
Information about each part is given below
The async search api will accept request and will send response to on-search endpoint. The IBR will implement /registry/search endpoint and the SP-System shall implement /registry/on-search to receive data from IBR. The search request message consist of reg_event_type, query_type, query, sort, pagination, consent, authorize, locale. The IBR will validate the request and will send response to on-search endpoint. Information for each field is given below.
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | SearchRequest (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) The search data using which registry search to be performed |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "search",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "search_request": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "search_criteria": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "reg_event_type": "enrollement",
- "query_type": "expression",
- "query": {
- "type": "ns:org:QueryType:NoSql",
- "value": {
- "expression": {
- "collection": "Group",
- "query": {
- "$and": [
- {
- "poverty_score": {
- "$lt": 5
}, - {
- "location": {
- "$eq": "central_region"
}, - {
- "group_size": {
- "$lt": 5
}, - "sort": [
- {
- "attribute_name": "poverty_score",
- "sort_order": "asc"
], - "pagination": {
- "page_size": 2000,
- "page_number": 5
}, - "consent": {
- "@type": "Consent",
- "ts": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "purpose": {
- "text": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "From a fixed set, documented at refUri"
}, - "ref_uri": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "Uri to provide more info on consent codes"
}, - "authorize": {
- "@type": "Authorize",
- "ts": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "purpose": {
- "text": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "From a fixed set, documented at refUri"
}, - "ref_uri": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "Uri to provide more info on authorize codes"
}, - "locale": "en"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
The /registry/on-search end point tobe implemented by SP-System to receive search results from IBR. The IBR will send data in format explained in SearchResponse.yaml. The reg_records will containe data that in explained in ibr/v1/Person.jsonld. Refer example json at github link
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
SearchResponse (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "789",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "on-search",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_code": "rjct.version.invalid",
- "status_reason_message": "string",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "completed_count": 50,
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "correlation_id": "9876543210",
- "search_response": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_code": "rjct.reference_id.invalid",
- "status_reason_message": "string",
- "data": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "reg_records": [
- {
- "@context": {
}, - "@id": "Beneficiary",
- "@type": "Beneficiary",
- "assistance_unit": "1",
- "member": {
- "member_identifier": "HS0205202401",
- "demographic_info": {
- "person": {
- "identifier_type": "NID",
- "identifier_value": "0205202401",
- "name": {
- "first_name": "Test",
- "second_name": "Test2",
- "surname": "Test3"
}, - "sex": "F",
- "birth_date": "02.05.2004",
- "death_date": "",
- "address": "",
- "phone_number": "",
- "email": ""
}, - "relationship_head": "",
- "related_person": "",
- "is_disabled": "0",
- "disability_info": "",
- "marital_status": "Single",
- "employment_status": "employed",
- "occupation": "Caregiver",
- "income_level": "",
- "language_code": "Eng",
- "education_level": "Highschool",
- "additional_attributes": "",
- "registration_date": "02.05.2024",
- "last_update": "",
- "programme_identifier": {
- "programme": {
- "programme_identifier": "DCI001",
- "programme_name": "Test Programme"
}, - "enrolment_date": "02.02.2024",
- "enrolment_status": "Active",
- "status_change_date": "",
- "benefits": {
- "benefit_type": "Cash",
- "benefit_date": "02.05.2024",
- "benefit_value": "USD 50",
- "benefit_frequency": "Monthly"
}, - "pagination": {
- "page_size": 2000,
- "page_number": 5,
- "total_count": 24250
}, - "locale": "en"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
Subscribe to a life event with registry
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | SubscribeRequest (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) Subscription request which contaion query with frequency and other info on which notification to be sent by registry to subscriber |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "subscribe",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "subscribe_request": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "subscribe_criteria": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "reg_type": "ns:org:RegistryType:Civil",
- "reg_event_type": "spdci-common:RegistryEventType:LiveBirth",
- "frequency": {
- "start_time": "",
- "end_time": "",
- "frequency": "string"
}, - "filter_type": "idtype-value",
- "filter": {
- "type": "ns:org:QueryType:GraphQl",
- "value": {
- "expression": " query GeBirthRecordById: { person: (UIN: \"1\") { BRN, name, gender, birthDate, birthPlace, parents } } "
}, - "notify_record_type": "spdci-extensions-dci:Person",
- "authorize": {
- "@type": "Authorize",
- "ts": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "purpose": {
- "text": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "From a fixed set, documented at refUri"
}, - "ref_uri": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "Uri to provide more info on authorize codes"
}, - "locale": "en"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
Subscribe results through callback
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | SubscribeResponse (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) Subscription information |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "on-subscribe",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "correlation_id": "9876543210",
- "subscribe_response": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_code": "rjct.reference_id.invalid",
- "status_reason_message": "string",
- "subscriptions": [
- {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "code": "string",
- "status": "subscribe",
- "timestamp": "",
- "reg_type": "ns:org:RegistryType:Civil",
- "reg_event_type": "spdci-common:RegistryEventType:LiveBirth",
- "frequency": {
- "start_time": "",
- "end_time": "",
- "frequency": "string"
}, - "filter_type": "idtype-value",
- "filter": {
- "type": "ns:org:QueryType:GraphQl",
- "value": {
- "expression": " query GeBirthRecordById: { person: (UIN: \"1\") { BRN, name, gender, birthDate, birthPlace, parents } } "
}, - "notify_record_type": "spdci-extensions-dci:Person",
- "locale": "en"
], - "pagination": {
- "page_size": 2000,
- "page_number": 5,
- "total_count": 24250
}, - "locale": "en"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
Unsubscribe existing subscription(s) by subscription_code
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | UnSubscribeRequest (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) The unsubscribe request that contain subscription ids which to be removed from subscription list |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "unsubscribe",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "timesstamp": "",
- "subscription_codes": [
- "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
Unsubscribe response as a callback
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | UnSubscribeResponse (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "on-unsubscribe",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "correlation_id": "9876543210",
- "timesatmp": "",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_code": "rjct.reference_id.invalid",
- "status_reason_message": "string",
- "subscription_status": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "status": "subscribe"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
The /registry/txn/status will be implemented by IBR. This will check status of reach request using transaction_id and/or reference_id(s).
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | TxnStatusRequest (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "txn-status",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "txnstatus_request": {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "txn_type": "search",
- "attribute_type": "transaction_id",
- "attribute_value": 123456789,
- "locale": "en"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
The /registry/txn/on-status will be implemented by SP-System. The response with information about request and in some case it may contain data as well.
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
TxnStatusResponse (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "789",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "txn-on-status",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_code": "rjct.version.invalid",
- "status_reason_message": "string",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "completed_count": 50,
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "correlation_id": "9876543210",
- "txnstatus_response": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Response to search request. Multiple repsonses for each page can be pushed to the caller as an implementation!",
- "properties": {
- "transaction_id": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchRequest/properties/transaction_id"
}, - "correlation_id": {
- "description": "1. correlation_id acknowledged by end txn processing system (i.e receiver) to co-relate all related requests in the context of a business transaction.\n2. correlation_id uniqueness is ensured by txn processing system (i.e receiver)\n",
- "type": "string",
- "maxLength": 99,
- "example": "9876543210"
}, - "search_response": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "reference_id": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TxnStatusRequest/properties/txnstatus_request/properties/reference_id"
}, - "timestamp": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "status": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnSubscribeResponse/properties/status"
}, - "status_reason_code": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchStatusReasonCode"
}, - "status_reason_message": {
- "description": "Status reason code message. Helps actionable messaging for systems/end users",
- "type": "string",
- "maxLength": 999
}, - "data": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Search result record as an outcome of search/subscribe action\n",
- "properties": {
- "version": {
- "type": "string",
- "default": "1.0.0"
}, - "reg_records": {
- "description": "The \"Beneficiary\" object contains fields expected in response of search\n@context: <br>\n@type: \"@context\" <br>\n@container: \"@set\" <br>\n",
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "1. Attributes of a person to create fetch records, create verifiable credentials or use in search criteria.\n3. Allows Country/Registry specific implementation extensions using Attribute Name/Value pairs.\n\n@context: <br>\n@type: \"@context\" <br>\n",
- "example": {
- "@context": {
}, - "@id": "Beneficiary",
- "@type": "Beneficiary",
- "assistance_unit": "1",
- "member": {
- "member_identifier": "HS0205202401",
- "demographic_info": {
- "person": {
- "identifier_type": "NID",
- "identifier_value": "0205202401",
- "name": {
- "first_name": "Test",
- "second_name": "Test2",
- "surname": "Test3"
}, - "sex": "F",
- "birth_date": "02.05.2004",
- "death_date": "",
- "address": "",
- "phone_number": "",
- "email": ""
}, - "relationship_head": "",
- "related_person": "",
- "is_disabled": "0",
- "disability_info": "",
- "marital_status": "Single",
- "employment_status": "employed",
- "occupation": "Caregiver",
- "income_level": "",
- "language_code": "Eng",
- "education_level": "Highschool",
- "additional_attributes": "",
- "registration_date": "02.05.2024",
- "last_update": "",
- "programme_identifier": {
- "programme": {
- "programme_identifier": "DCI001",
- "programme_name": "Test Programme"
}, - "enrolment_date": "02.02.2024",
- "enrolment_status": "Active",
- "status_change_date": "",
- "benefits": {
- "benefit_type": "Cash",
- "benefit_date": "02.05.2024",
- "benefit_value": "USD 50",
- "benefit_frequency": "Monthly"
}, - "required": [
- "reg_records"
}, - "pagination": {
- "description": "Pagination definition, count starts with 1",
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "page_size": {
- "type": "number",
- "format": "int32",
- "example": 2000
}, - "page_number": {
- "type": "number",
- "format": "int32",
- "example": 5
}, - "total_count": {
- "type": "number",
- "format": "int32",
- "example": 24250
}, - "required": [
- "page_size",
- "page_number",
- "total_count"
}, - "locale": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/locale"
}, - "required": [
- "reference_id",
- "timestamp",
- "status"
}, - "required": [
- "transaction_id",
- "correlation_id",
- "search_response"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
The sync search api will accept request and will send response immediately The search request message consist of reg_event_type, query_type, query, sort, pagination, consent, authorize, locale. The IBR will validate the request and will send response to on-search endpoint. Information for each field is given below.
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | SearchRequest (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) The search data using which registry search to be performed |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "search",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "search_request": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "search_criteria": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "reg_event_type": "enrollement",
- "query_type": "expression",
- "query": {
- "type": "ns:org:QueryType:NoSql",
- "value": {
- "expression": {
- "collection": "Group",
- "query": {
- "$and": [
- {
- "poverty_score": {
- "$lt": 5
}, - {
- "location": {
- "$eq": "central_region"
}, - {
- "group_size": {
- "$lt": 5
}, - "sort": [
- {
- "attribute_name": "poverty_score",
- "sort_order": "asc"
], - "pagination": {
- "page_size": 2000,
- "page_number": 5
}, - "consent": {
- "@type": "Consent",
- "ts": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "purpose": {
- "text": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "From a fixed set, documented at refUri"
}, - "ref_uri": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "Uri to provide more info on consent codes"
}, - "authorize": {
- "@type": "Authorize",
- "ts": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "purpose": {
- "text": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "From a fixed set, documented at refUri"
}, - "ref_uri": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "Uri to provide more info on authorize codes"
}, - "locale": "en"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
The /registry/enrollments/updates endpoint will be implemented by IBR to receive details of beneficiaries enrolled in programs from SP-System. The receipt_type and beneficiaries will be required to make request. Three receipt types are supported as of now, they are
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
EnrollmentUpdatesRequest (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "789",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "notify",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_code": "rjct.version.invalid",
- "status_reason_message": "string",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "completed_count": 50,
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "enrolled_updates": {
- "beneficiaries": [
- {
- "@context": {
}, - "@id": "Beneficiary",
- "@type": "Beneficiary",
- "assistance_unit": "1",
- "member": {
- "member_identifier": "HS0205202401",
- "demographic_info": {
- "person": {
- "identifier_type": "NID",
- "identifier_value": "0205202401",
- "name": {
- "first_name": "Test",
- "second_name": "Test2",
- "surname": "Test3"
}, - "sex": "F",
- "birth_date": "02.05.2004",
- "death_date": "",
- "address": "",
- "phone_number": "",
- "email": ""
}, - "relationship_head": "",
- "related_person": "",
- "is_disabled": "0",
- "disability_info": "",
- "marital_status": "Single",
- "employment_status": "employed",
- "occupation": "Caregiver",
- "income_level": "",
- "language_code": "Eng",
- "education_level": "Highschool",
- "additional_attributes": "",
- "registration_date": "02.05.2024",
- "last_update": "",
- "programme_identifier": {
- "programme": {
- "programme_identifier": "DCI001",
- "programme_name": "Test Programme"
}, - "enrolment_date": "02.02.2024",
- "enrolment_status": "Active",
- "status_change_date": "",
- "benefits": {
- "benefit_type": "Cash",
- "benefit_date": "02.05.2024",
- "benefit_value": "USD 50",
- "benefit_frequency": "Monthly"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
search programmes person is enrolled in
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | EnrolledRequest (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) The search data using which registry search to be performed |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "search",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "enrolled_criteria": {
- "query_type": "idtype-value",
- "response_entity": "Beneficiary",
- "query": {
- "person_identifier": {
- "eq": "ABC451123"
}, - "programme_identifier.program.programme_identifier": {
- "eq": "DCI001"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
The /registry/sync/txn/status will be implemented by IBR. This will check status of reach request using transaction_id and/or reference_id(s).
signature | string (MsgSignature) Signature of {header}+{message} body verified using sender's signing public key |
required | object Message header |
required | TxnStatusRequest (object) or EncryptedMessage (object) |
{- "signature": "Signature: namespace=\"spdci\", kidId=\"{sender_id}|{unique_key_id}|{algorithm}\", algorithm=\"ed25519\", created=\"1606970629\", expires=\"1607030629\", headers=\"(created) (expires) digest\", signature=\"Base64(signing content)",
- "header": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "message_id": "123",
- "message_ts": "",
- "action": "txn-status",
- "sender_id": "",
- "receiver_id": "",
- "total_count": 21800,
- "is_msg_encrypted": false,
- "meta": { }
}, - "message": {
- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "txnstatus_request": {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "txn_type": "search",
- "attribute_type": "transaction_id",
- "attribute_value": 123456789,
- "locale": "en"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "message": "string"
transaction_id required | string <= 99 characters
required | Array of objects
{- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "search_request": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "search_criteria": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "reg_event_type": "enrollement",
- "query_type": "expression",
- "query": {
- "type": "ns:org:QueryType:NoSql",
- "value": {
- "expression": {
- "collection": "Group",
- "query": {
- "$and": [
- {
- "poverty_score": {
- "$lt": 5
}, - {
- "location": {
- "$eq": "central_region"
}, - {
- "group_size": {
- "$lt": 5
}, - "sort": [
- {
- "attribute_name": "poverty_score",
- "sort_order": "asc"
], - "pagination": {
- "page_size": 2000,
- "page_number": 5
}, - "consent": {
- "@type": "Consent",
- "ts": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "purpose": {
- "text": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "From a fixed set, documented at refUri"
}, - "ref_uri": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "Uri to provide more info on consent codes"
}, - "authorize": {
- "@type": "Authorize",
- "ts": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "purpose": {
- "text": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "From a fixed set, documented at refUri"
}, - "ref_uri": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "Uri to provide more info on authorize codes"
}, - "locale": "en"
transaction_id required | string <= 99 characters
correlation_id required | string <= 99 characters
required | Array of objects |
{- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "correlation_id": "9876543210",
- "search_response": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_code": "rjct.reference_id.invalid",
- "status_reason_message": "string",
- "data": {
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "reg_records": [
- {
- "@context": {
}, - "@id": "Beneficiary",
- "@type": "Beneficiary",
- "assistance_unit": "1",
- "member": {
- "member_identifier": "HS0205202401",
- "demographic_info": {
- "person": {
- "identifier_type": "NID",
- "identifier_value": "0205202401",
- "name": {
- "first_name": "Test",
- "second_name": "Test2",
- "surname": "Test3"
}, - "sex": "F",
- "birth_date": "02.05.2004",
- "death_date": "",
- "address": "",
- "phone_number": "",
- "email": ""
}, - "relationship_head": "",
- "related_person": "",
- "is_disabled": "0",
- "disability_info": "",
- "marital_status": "Single",
- "employment_status": "employed",
- "occupation": "Caregiver",
- "income_level": "",
- "language_code": "Eng",
- "education_level": "Highschool",
- "additional_attributes": "",
- "registration_date": "02.05.2024",
- "last_update": "",
- "programme_identifier": {
- "programme": {
- "programme_identifier": "DCI001",
- "programme_name": "Test Programme"
}, - "enrolment_date": "02.02.2024",
- "enrolment_status": "Active",
- "status_change_date": "",
- "benefits": {
- "benefit_type": "Cash",
- "benefit_date": "02.05.2024",
- "benefit_value": "USD 50",
- "benefit_frequency": "Monthly"
}, - "pagination": {
- "page_size": 2000,
- "page_number": 5,
- "total_count": 24250
}, - "locale": "en"
transaction_id required | string <= 99 characters
required | object Receipt information contains receipt type and list of beneficiaries
{- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "enrolled_updates": {
- "beneficiaries": [
- {
- "@context": {
}, - "@id": "Beneficiary",
- "@type": "Beneficiary",
- "assistance_unit": "1",
- "member": {
- "member_identifier": "HS0205202401",
- "demographic_info": {
- "person": {
- "identifier_type": "NID",
- "identifier_value": "0205202401",
- "name": {
- "first_name": "Test",
- "second_name": "Test2",
- "surname": "Test3"
}, - "sex": "F",
- "birth_date": "02.05.2004",
- "death_date": "",
- "address": "",
- "phone_number": "",
- "email": ""
}, - "relationship_head": "",
- "related_person": "",
- "is_disabled": "0",
- "disability_info": "",
- "marital_status": "Single",
- "employment_status": "employed",
- "occupation": "Caregiver",
- "income_level": "",
- "language_code": "Eng",
- "education_level": "Highschool",
- "additional_attributes": "",
- "registration_date": "02.05.2024",
- "last_update": "",
- "programme_identifier": {
- "programme": {
- "programme_identifier": "DCI001",
- "programme_name": "Test Programme"
}, - "enrolment_date": "02.02.2024",
- "enrolment_status": "Active",
- "status_change_date": "",
- "benefits": {
- "benefit_type": "Cash",
- "benefit_date": "02.05.2024",
- "benefit_value": "USD 50",
- "benefit_frequency": "Monthly"
transaction_id required | string <= 99 characters
correlation_id required | string <= 99 characters
required | Array of objects |
{- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "correlation_id": "9876543210",
- "enrolled_response": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_message": "string"
transaction_id required | string <= 99 characters
required | object Enrolled query |
{- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "enrolled_criteria": {
- "query_type": "idtype-value",
- "response_entity": "Beneficiary",
- "query": {
- "person_identifier": {
- "eq": "ABC451123"
}, - "programme_identifier.program.programme_identifier": {
- "eq": "DCI001"
transaction_id required | string <= 99 characters
correlation_id required | string <= 99 characters
required | Array of objects |
{- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "correlation_id": "9876543210",
- "enrolled_response": [
- {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "timestamp": "",
- "status": "rcvd",
- "status_reason_message": "string",
- "enrolled_status": "yes"
transaction_id required | string <= 99 characters
required | object |
{- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "txnstatus_request": {
- "reference_id": "12345678901234567890",
- "txn_type": "search",
- "attribute_type": "transaction_id",
- "attribute_value": 123456789,
- "locale": "en"
transaction_id required | string <= 99 characters
correlation_id required | string <= 99 characters
required | object |
{- "transaction_id": 123456789,
- "correlation_id": "9876543210",
- "txnstatus_response": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Response to search request. Multiple repsonses for each page can be pushed to the caller as an implementation!",
- "properties": {
- "transaction_id": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchRequest/properties/transaction_id"
}, - "correlation_id": {
- "description": "1. correlation_id acknowledged by end txn processing system (i.e receiver) to co-relate all related requests in the context of a business transaction.\n2. correlation_id uniqueness is ensured by txn processing system (i.e receiver)\n",
- "type": "string",
- "maxLength": 99,
- "example": "9876543210"
}, - "search_response": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "reference_id": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TxnStatusRequest/properties/txnstatus_request/properties/reference_id"
}, - "timestamp": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/timestamp"
}, - "status": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnSubscribeResponse/properties/status"
}, - "status_reason_code": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchStatusReasonCode"
}, - "status_reason_message": {
- "description": "Status reason code message. Helps actionable messaging for systems/end users",
- "type": "string",
- "maxLength": 999
}, - "data": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Search result record as an outcome of search/subscribe action\n",
- "properties": {
- "version": {
- "type": "string",
- "default": "1.0.0"
}, - "reg_records": {
- "description": "The \"Beneficiary\" object contains fields expected in response of search\n@context: <br>\n@type: \"@context\" <br>\n@container: \"@set\" <br>\n",
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "1. Attributes of a person to create fetch records, create verifiable credentials or use in search criteria.\n3. Allows Country/Registry specific implementation extensions using Attribute Name/Value pairs.\n\n@context: <br>\n@type: \"@context\" <br>\n",
- "example": {
- "@context": {
}, - "@id": "Beneficiary",
- "@type": "Beneficiary",
- "assistance_unit": "1",
- "member": {
- "member_identifier": "HS0205202401",
- "demographic_info": {
- "person": {
- "identifier_type": "NID",
- "identifier_value": "0205202401",
- "name": {
- "first_name": "Test",
- "second_name": "Test2",
- "surname": "Test3"
}, - "sex": "F",
- "birth_date": "02.05.2004",
- "death_date": "",
- "address": "",
- "phone_number": "",
- "email": ""
}, - "relationship_head": "",
- "related_person": "",
- "is_disabled": "0",
- "disability_info": "",
- "marital_status": "Single",
- "employment_status": "employed",
- "occupation": "Caregiver",
- "income_level": "",
- "language_code": "Eng",
- "education_level": "Highschool",
- "additional_attributes": "",
- "registration_date": "02.05.2024",
- "last_update": "",
- "programme_identifier": {
- "programme": {
- "programme_identifier": "DCI001",
- "programme_name": "Test Programme"
}, - "enrolment_date": "02.02.2024",
- "enrolment_status": "Active",
- "status_change_date": "",
- "benefits": {
- "benefit_type": "Cash",
- "benefit_date": "02.05.2024",
- "benefit_value": "USD 50",
- "benefit_frequency": "Monthly"
}, - "required": [
- "reg_records"
}, - "pagination": {
- "description": "Pagination definition, count starts with 1",
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "page_size": {
- "type": "number",
- "format": "int32",
- "example": 2000
}, - "page_number": {
- "type": "number",
- "format": "int32",
- "example": 5
}, - "total_count": {
- "type": "number",
- "format": "int32",
- "example": 24250
}, - "required": [
- "page_size",
- "page_number",
- "total_count"
}, - "locale": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionInfo/properties/locale"
}, - "required": [
- "reference_id",
- "timestamp",
- "status"
}, - "required": [
- "transaction_id",
- "correlation_id",
- "search_response"
required | object |
ciphertext required | string This is the result of encrypting the plaintext using the CEK and the IV. It's Base64Url-encoded. |
encrypted_key required | string The base64-url encoded encrypted key |
tag required | string This is a Base64Url-encoded value that provides evidence of the integrity and authenticity of the ciphertext, Initialization Vector, and Additional Authenticated Data |
iv required | string This is a Base64Url-encoded random bit string to be used as the Initialization Vector (IV) when encrypting the plaintext to produce the ciphertext. The size of the IV depends on the encryption algorithm used. |
{- "header": {
- "alg": "string",
- "enc": "string",
- "kid": "string"
}, - "ciphertext": "string",
- "encrypted_key": "string",
- "tag": "string",
- "iv": "string"
Identity verification request status reason codes